Lucy Di Gioia

I had tried numerous times to combat my lifelong weight struggles with no long term success. I would lose weight only to gain it back over and over again. After hitting an all time high weight gain, I decided it was time to finally do something serious about it. It seemed overwhelming to think about all of the weight I would have to lose to get to a normal weight. Exercising on my own in the past would always be short lived. So a few years ago I started personal training with Rudy Rosa. As the pictures show, this has been an "extraordinary" experience. Along with finally changing the way I ate and working out very hard with Rudy, I have finally succeeded. Just this past year I have dropped 80 lbs and a total of approximately 130 lbs since I had started with Rudy. When working out on my own, exercises became very redundant and I was bored easily. Rudy's workouts would always keep my interest as Rudy always changed them which kept me from getting bored and uninspired. Also knowing how to do the exercises properly and safely to get the most effectiveness from them was very important as well.
I can't imagine where I'd be had I not met Rudy and started personal training with him. Whatever your goal is, whether it's just to tone up or lose weight or both, I would highly recommend Extraordinary Fitness to anyone who is serious about it. It has made a tremendous impact on my life to say the least.